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A Special Invitation to listeners and members of WGBH
Complimentary Admission
for you and your guests at
The 18th Annual Boston International Fine Art Show
The Cyclorama, Boston Center for the Arts
539 Tremont St in the South End
Friday New Collectors Salon
Friday November 14, 2014
Reception and Special Programs Throughout the Evening. Wine Provided by Dark Horse
6:00pm Panel
"Caring for Your Collection"
Sponsored by Trefler's
What are some guidelines for collecting fine art? Once you know, it is just as important to learn how to preserve the value and integrity of your collection after the purchase is complete. Come meet three top specialists with important and fascinating information on correctly lighting your collection, insurance considerations, and the restoration process. Bring your questions for a lively discussion!
Sponsored by Trefler's, Boston's comprehensive resource for restoration of fine art, antiques and more. Visit www.Trefler.com
Moderated by:
Tony Fusco, Co-Producer of The Boston International Fine Art Show
and author of five books on collecting.
Doreen Le May Madden, Lux Lighting Design
Gregory J. Smith, Berkley Asset Protection
Leslie Burnard, Trefler's
Dealer Booth Talk
5:30pm Jerry Suqi, Century Guild Chicago, The Artists of the Vienna Seccessionist Movement, Booth 15
Meet the Artists
Marlene Rose, represented by Newbury Fine Arts - Booth 30
David Brega - BIFAS SOLO! Artist from Boston - Booth 36
M.M. Ciciovan - BIFAS SOLO! Artist from Quebec - Booth 10
Onne van der Wal - BIFAS SOLO! Photographer from Newport, RI - Booth 26
This ticket is only valid for 5:00-8:00pm on Friday, the 14. This event is 21 plus.
Your Ticket is also valid for $5 off admission on Saturday and Sunday
Saturday:11am - 8:00pm
Sunday:11am- 5:00pm
Please PRINT THIS PAGE and complete the form below and present at the box office to receive complimentary admission on Friday or $5 off admission on Saturday and Sunday
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